Take the Housing Issues Survey in English, Spanish, or Chinese

The Chinese and Spanish version of a flyer for a housing Survey, a bunch of hands on top and two separate QR codes on bottom

Alameda County is engaging in an assessment of what the highest housing needs are throughout the county. As a part of this process, we have created a website (www.housingneedsac.org), held community feedback sessions, given presentations to community and stakeholder groups and will be presenting our findings in our report to the Board of Supervisors to … Read more

2024 Housing Preservation (Capital Expenditure) Projects RFP

Cut off HCD logo for a blog post

The County is releasing $3 million in funding through federal Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). Through this RFP, Alameda County seeks exceptional projects that meet the County’s stated goal to expand the supply of affordable housing to serve the neediest households throughout the County through construction, preservation, and rehabilitation of affordable rental … Read more

The Gap Report: A Shortage of Affordable Homes

A map of the USA showing what each state has for the lowest-income renters. The darker red indicate the worst states, including: AK, AZ, CA, CO, FL, NJ, NV, TX, VA, VT, WA.

No State Has an Adequate Supply of Affordable Rental Housing for the Lowest-Income Renters The U.S. has a shortage of 7.3 million rental homes affordable and available to renters with extremely low incomes – that is, incomes at or below either the federal poverty guideline or 30% of their area median income, whichever is greater. … Read more