For Homeless and Unsheltered

When that one thing happens that makes you lose your home, where can you turn? Here are links to finding help with landlords, legal help, and where to go to find assistance.

Want to Learn more about Homelessness and Permanent Supportive Housing?

Homelessness in California is rising faster than in other states. This Terner Center Research Explainer presents data on the issue and highlights California’s investments in permanent supportive housing (PSH). It outlines research-backed strategies for California and other states to tackle chronic homelessness, benefiting individuals, families, and communities.

The Research Explainer serves as an excellent reference point for individuals seeking to deepen their knowledge on homelessness and permanent supportive housing.

Eden I&R 211 logo

211 Help

2-1-1 is a free, non-emergency, confidential, 3-digit phone number and service that provides easy access to housing information, and critical health and human services. 2-1-1 operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with multi-lingual capabilities. You can also text 898211 Monday through Friday between 9am and 4pm for assistance.

Alameda County Housing and Homelessness Services logo, text on the right, and to the left what looks like multi-colored a sound wave, which is undulating lines that make up an oval-shaped area.

Alameda County Health, Housing, and Homelessness Services (ACH-HHS)

The Alameda County Health, Housing, and Homelessness Services, formerly known as the Office of Homeless Care and Coordination, serves to implement expanded services and supports and lead the development of a strategic framework to address and work to end homelessness in Alameda County. The agency is working to build a robust, integrated, and coordinated system of homelessness and housing services, and to improve efficiency and coordination within Alameda County’s Health Care Services Agency and with external partners.

Logo for Alameda County Safe Parking, on the right is grey and blue text, on the left is a stack of four blue cars inside a giant green letter C. Between the visuals and the text is a vertical line

Alameda County Safe Parking

With a carefully designated location which is equipped with necessary amenities, such as lighting, restrooms, and security patrols, Alameda County’s (ALCO) Safe Parking site ensures that participants can rest peacefully and regain a sense of dignity. Committed staff and volunteers work to create a welcoming community, connecting participants with vital resources and assistance to help them transition towards stable housing and a brighter future. ALCO Safe Parking strives to create an environment where every person is valued, respected, and given the opportunity to rebuild their lives with compassion and understanding.

Call 211 and notify them that you are experiencing homelessness, please be patient and stay on the line. Then call 973-315-6000 to inquire about availability and review your eligibility with the intake staff.

Brown logo for AC Housing Secure, text on right, circle on left with Alameda landmarks such as the port of Oakland cranes, UC Berkeley's campanili, etc.

About to Be Evicted?

AC Housing Secure has many legal aid resources for tenants.

Logo for ECHO Housing. People gathered under a roof in blue

ECHO’s Tenant/Landlord Counseling Program provides information to tenants and landlords on rental housing issues such as evictions, rent increases, repairs and habitability, harassment, illegal entry, and other rights and responsibilities regarding the tenant/landlord relationship. A mix of incorporated cities and unincorporated county.

Being Evicted Because Your HIV Status?

The Federal Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Program is designed to increase affordable housing opportunities and stabilize the housing situations of people living with HIV/AIDS. Funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are made available to local governments to provide grant and loan programs to assist low income residents with HIV/AIDS.

AIDS Housing Information Project (AHIP) logo, a roof over the words

AIDs Housing and Information Project (AHIP) provides up-to-date information on permanent housing that is reserved for persons living with HIV. They can help you apply for other market-rate and/or subsidized housing (Project-Based Voucher, Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, transitional housing, shelter beds, etc.) They also provide referrals to a wide range of resources such as social services, health services and financial assistance available only to persons living with HIV. Services are free, confidential, and offered with respect and compassion. For more information, please contact us at one of the following numbers:
Local: 510-537-2600
Toll Free: 877-424-3746

What is CoC?

A homeless person camped in the doorway of a store going out of business

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to promote a communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness, by:

  • Provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments, to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families.
  • Help minimize trauma and dislocation to homeless individuals, families, and communities caused by experiencing homelessness.
  • Promote access to and use of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families.
  • Optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.