Financial Support for Homeowners

Sometimes we all may need a little help.

Brown logo with words "AC Housing Secure" to the right and to the left is a round line drawing of local landmarks: the cranes at Oakland port, UC Berkeley Campanili, Chabot Observatory, etc.

AC Housing Secure

Alameda County Housing Secure (ACHS) is a collaboration of legal service providers partnering to prevent the displacement of our most vulnerable community members. It provides free legal services and emergency financial assistance to low-income tenants and homeowners. These services enable county residents who are vulnerable to displacement to stabilize their housing.

California Mortgage Relief Logo, words below an orange roof

California Mortgage Relief Program

Has provided millions of dollars in critical assistance to thousands of California homeowners struggling with financial hardships. This government program is free, and here to help. There is nothing to pay back. If you’ve struggled with missed mortgage payments, late property taxes, loan deferrals, partial claims, or other homeowner financial hardships, you may qualify for assistance from the California Mortgage Relief Program.

Foreclosure Resources »

Facing the possibility of foreclosure is both daunting and frightening. It’s better to proactively reach out and look at options than ignore a situation.